Solid Waste Management Plan

CVWMA maintains the solid waste management plan for the Central Virginia region. A link to the latest plan (2019) is at the bottom of this page. For more information, contact Director of Operations Rich Nolan at or 804-612-0553.

Notice of Public Hearings

At the May 17, 2024, CVWMA Board of Directors meeting, the Board will hold three public hearings and consider resolutions to amend the Central Virginia Solid Waste Management Plan for the removal of landfill capacity from the Plan. The public hearings will be noticed in accordance with the Virginia Waste Management Regulations for amending the regional Plan. The public notices will be as follows:

Shoosmith Sanitary Landfill in Chesterfield County – An expansion of this Landfill into an adjacent quarry ( cells 27 and 28) was originally approved by the VA DEQ, however, the Article VII/VIII application required by the host community of Chesterfield County was not approved by the Board of Supervisors in July 2018.  The outcome of litigation prevents the landfill from expanding into the quarry. Approximately 33,699,000 cubic yards (approximately 17 million tons) of capacity currently in the plan will be removed by Amendment 10, if approved by the CVWMA Board of Directors and the Richmond Regional and Crater Planning District Commissions.   CVWMA will be holding a public hearing at 9am on May 17, 2024 in the large conference of 2104 W. Laburnum Ave, Richmond VA 23227, to gain input on Amendment 10 to remove the remaining capacity at the Shoosmith Landfill from the Plan.

The Tri-Cities Sanitary Landfill in the City of Petersburg – this Landfill is no longer accepting waste and is in the process of closure.  Meridian Waste, the owners of the landfill discontinued accepting waste in late 2018 and the solid waste permit was ultimately revoked by DEQ and the landfill is currently in closure. There was approximately 500,000 tons of capacity remaining at the time of closure.  This remaining capacity will be removed by Amendment 11, if approved by the CVWMA Board of Directors and the Richmond Regional and Crater Planning District Commissions.  CVWMA will be holding a public hearing at 9am on May 17, 2024 in the large conference of 2104 W. Laburnum Ave, Richmond VA 23227, to gain input on Amendment 11 to remove the remaining capacity at the Tri-Cities Landfill from the Plan.

The East End Landfill, a Construction, Demolition and Debris (CDD) landfill in Henrico County, does not have the local zoning approval required by the County of Henrico to operate and will be forced to close. There is approximately 108,500 tons of remaining airspace.   This remaining capacity will be removed by Amendment 12, if approved by the CVWMA Board of Directors and the Richmond Regional and Crater Planning District Commissions.  CVWMA will be holding a public hearing at 9am on May 17, 2024 in the large conference of 2104 W. Laburnum Ave, Richmond VA 23227, to gain input on Amendment 12 to remove the remaining capacity at The East End Landfill from the Plan.


The Central Virginia Waste Management Authority (CVWMA) holds the solid waste management plan for Central Virginia.

The Central Virginia Solid Waste Management Plan (CVSWMP) was prepared for the CVWMA and 13 local governments within the Authority’s service area in accordance with the requirements and provisions of Regulations for Solid Waste Management Planning (9 VAC 20-130-10 et eq., Amendment 1). In meeting this objective the Central Virginia Waste Management Plan is intended to achieve the following purposes for the region:

  • Define specific solid waste management objectives for the CVWMA service area that meet identified management needs and public policy objectives, including State mandated recycling goals;
  • Provide an integrated management strategy with supporting financial and implementation strategies to meet solid waste management objectives;
  • Provide agreement on specific roles and responsibilities for the CVWMA and its member governments in the implementation of waste programs and services for meeting the region’s waste management needs; and,
  • Establish specific milestones, responsibilities, and a schedule for meeting solid waste management objectives.

See links below to review sections of the updated solid waste management plan and maps (approved by VA DEQ ).