City of Richmond E-Cycle Event
May 11, 2024 |
This event is for Richmond residents to recycle old electronics and household hazardous wastes. Document shredding will also be provided.May 11, 2024 |
This event is for Richmond residents to recycle old electronics and household hazardous wastes. Document shredding will also be provided.February 9, 2024 |
Elizabeth Hall represents the City of Richmond on the CVWMA Board of Directors. This article was part of a series that appeared on RVAHub. Did you know that recycling is the fifth most preferred option for materials management? There are several ways CVWMA encourages managing your potential waste before sending it to the recyclers. Here’s how you can help cut down on items filling up our landfills. Photo: City of... Read MoreDecember 14, 2023 |
Elizabeth Hall represents the City of Richmond on the CVWMA Board of Directors. This article was part of a series that appeared on RVAHub. There’s more of everything over the holidays – more parties, more lights, more gifting, more time off school and work. But, the holidays also produce more of something else: trash … much more trash. Did you know that our household waste increases by more than 25%... Read MoreNovember 13, 2023 |
Elizabeth Hall represents the City of Richmond on the CVWMA Board of Directors. This article was part of a series that appeared on RVAHub. The recycling process is regional, complex and evolving, sometimes making it hard for regular Richmond residents to confidently understand. Today, we’ll tackle some common questions and myths associated with our local recycling program. As a kid growing up in the 80s and 90s, I felt pretty... Read MoreOctober 6, 2023 |
Elizabeth Hall represents the City of Richmond on the CVWMA Board of Directors. This article was part of a series that appeared on RVAHub. Have you ever wondered how your local recycling authority works, how it’s set up or why you can’t recycle certain materials? Well, consider today’s feature a CVWMA 101 course. I’ve always been down with the circular economy. I had to be. Growing up, my dad was... Read More